EUREM France

Halle 6Stand A 70

Eurem France mainly specializes in fans, air coolers, portable air conditioners, dehumidifiers and electric heating... We also specialize in tools, DIY and garden products, hand trucks... We distribute a broad range of STANLEY and CAT products. As a French importer since 1991, Eurem France has a strong experience and a perfect knowledge of the European market. Product quality, good prices, permanent stock and reactivity are our major assets.


GartenzubehörHaushaltswaren und BürobedarfHeimwerkerbedarf und EisenwarenSaison- und Trendartikel


27 Rue des Écoles
95500 Le Thillay, FRANKREICH


Telefon: +33 54932 1877
Telefax: +33 54932 0760

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