ecCo Handels-und Produktionsgesellschaft mbH

Halle 6Stand A 72

For 30 years we have specialized in the decentralized and centralized supply of a wide range of products in the following areas: household care, kitchen care, toilet and bathroom cleaners, toilet machines, candles, cleaning cloths and sponges, fragrance spray refill cartridges, fragrance gels, cosmetics and drugstore items, plasters and bandages, car care, plant and garden care, fertilizers and plant protection as well as lighters and lighters.


Drogerie und KosmetikEigenmarkenGartenzubehörHaushaltswaren und BürobedarfLebensmittel und GetränkeSaison- und TrendartikelSonstiges


Raiffeisenstraße 8
26160 Bad Zwischenahn, DEUTSCHLAND


Telefon: +49 4403 99710
Telefax: +49 4403 997120

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