Siretessile Srl
Halle 6Stand D 37

Siretessile Srl is a leading textile company, family-owned business born in Italy in 1976.
We have our raw materials production chains in Italy as well we design & manufacture finished products lines such as: Home textiles, Nightwear/Slippers, Beachwear, Apparel, Luggages.
Everything is expertly produced in Far East where we have own offices and staff, following all trends, standards and quality controls.
Geschenkartikel und Schmuck
Saison- und Trendartikel
Sport- und Freizeitartikel
Textilien und Bekleidung
Via dell’Industria, 7531041 Cornuda (TV), ITALIEN
Telefon: +39 0423 830279
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