Trendseller Product Award
The Oscar of the trade

IAW Trendseller Product Award
Twice a year the IAW TRENDSELLER prize is awarded for products that experts believe will conquer the market, impress consumers – and, naturally, boost sales. All the winners have reported that the demand for their products rose after their company had received this award. But is that really surprising? The TRENDSELLER award is widely regarded as the Oscar of the trade – and this is why it always attracts a lot of media attention.
Winner Trendseller Product Award IAW-Messe September 2019

„RFID Datenschutzkarte"
1st winner
Company: makaka on the run
04509 Delitzsch

„Miracle Mist"
2nd winner
Company: Mesa Products BV
7005 AG Doetinchem (NL)

Smartphone holder for Airplanes „Airmate“
3rd winner
Company: Simplifiers
2710 Vanloese (DK)
Winner Trendseller Product Award IAW-Fair February 2019

Kettle "Rose Gold Kettle"
Category: Design
Company: UP Global Sourcing Ltd.
OL9 0DD Manchester

„Magic Slime 3D“
Category: Creative Products toys
Company: Jono Toys BV
9502 EZ Stadskanaal
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