The IAW supporting program is unique and outstanding. It features two stages – firstly, the IAW Trendforum, organized in cooperation with the reseller network and the Multichannel Rockstars, and secondly the E-Commerce Arena organized by Together these two platforms for the digital and brick-and-mortar trade present a supporting program of superlatives. Top speakers of the calibre normally found at exclusive congresses present interesting and informative workshops and talks – these are open to all trade fair visitors free of charge. Located around the E-Commerce Arena is the “e-commerce quarter”, a specialist exhibition area that brings suppliers of systems and services together.
The E-Commerce Arena organized by and the zentrada Forum offer a supporting program for digital and stationary trade at congress level. Everything about the topics: Selling on Amazon & Co, online marketing or the latest developments in retail. Top speakers of the calibre normally found at exclusive congresses present interesting and informative workshops and talks – these are open to all trade fair visitors free of charge. Located around the E-Commerce Arena is the “e-commerce quarter”, a specialist exhibition area that brings suppliers of systems and services together.
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Copyright 2020 by IAW-Messe
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